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Search by research interest
Acústica medioambiental, Contaminación por ruido, Análisis de contaminación acústica por medio de sensores remotos, Mapas estratégicos de ruido,
Gestión Social, Migración de retorno, Proyectos
Arquitectura, Urbanismo, Planificación, Espacio Público, Diseño
, Architecture and city, public space, the void as a precursor and catalyst of the event, the appropriation of the environment or the project through the interior, exterior and intermediate space.,
Economía Circular, Modelos de Negocio, Cadena de Suministro, Logística, Producción, Lean Manufacturing
Communications and sustainability. University Social Responsibility. Content Language Integrated Learning (CLIL)., ,
Cognitive Neuroscience,, Inclusive education,, Gifted
Consumer Behavior, Entrepreneurship and innovation, Circular and collaborative economies, Shared transportation systems
Language Documentation & Conservation , Etnolinguistic