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Land planning, human rights, gender, decentralization and public management, ,
Social development, Human talent management, University teaching, Public Management, Public politics, Mediation, Training and qualification, Project management, Virtual Learning
Spatial Analysis, Geographic Information Systems, Cartography, FOSS4G, Disaster Risk Management, GIS for Crime and Emergency Analysis
• PROGRAMA DE INVESTIGACIÓN: GEICA-UDA, , • GRUPO DE INVESTIGACIÓN: NutriOmics, , • LÍNEA DE INVESTIGACIÓN: Functional foods and nutraceuticals,food processing., , • CAMPO DETALLADO: Food processing,
Neuropsicología, Psicología Positiva, Psicogerontología
Sharing and Governance of Electromagnetic Spectrum, Blockchain Technology, Agent-based Modeling
Environmental law, Public politics, Governance, Human rights, Alternative conflict resolution
My research focuses on robotics, especially in motion and trajectory planning for mobile robots with different locomotion configurations. I am also interested in control theory and applied mathematics.
VIivenda sostenible, Sostenibilidad urbana, Diseño urbano, Urbanismo, Políticas urbanas, Patrimonio urbano.