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Search by research interest
Microbiología de alimentos, películas bioactivas, películas antimicrobianas, bacteriocinas , biocompuestos
Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Market research
Trauma, Acute Care Surgery, Trauma Systems, Global Surgery.
Higher Education, Administration, Anthropology, Innovation, Technology.
Data science, remote sensing, geospatial analysis, ecological informatics.
Medical decision making, patient-centered outcomes, antibiotic resistance, phytomedicine
Sustainability, energy efficiency, adaptive comfort, subtle industrialization, BIM, wooden mezzanine plate, fire, structure.
Fisiología de la actividad física y el ejercicio, Medicina del Deporte, Nutrición, Cineantropometría y composición corporal
As a product designer, I have experience in handling and utilizing emerging and innovative technologies. With a research background, I actively seek to contribute to projects involving interface design, inclusive design, service design, and strategic design.