Information security, Cybersecurity, Serious games, video games, virtual reality, emerging technologies, Entrepreneurship, Information Technology Management, Neuromarketing, IT based model business,
Paul Esteban Crespo Martinez
Information security, Cybersecurity, Serious games, video games, virtual reality, emerging technologies, Entrepreneurship, Information Technology Management, Neuromarketing, IT based model business,
Technology Acceptance Model of ERP software in Small Business: A Systematic Literature review. ENFOQUE UTE, pág: 1-16 (2023)
Link: https://doi.org/10.29019/enfoqueute.884
Technology Acceptance Model of ERP software in Small Business: A Systematic Literature review. Enfoque UTE, pág: 16 (2023)
Link: https://ingenieria.ute.edu.ec/enfoqueute/index.php/revista/article/view/884/927
TAM applied for serious video games: A systematic literature review, Warangal, Telangana, India. (2022).
Software development of applications oriented to phonological awareness in high school children: A systematic literature review, Roma. (2022).
Thinking about the sustainability of a Start Up project: UDA-ERP case, Roma. (2022).
Variables que influyen en el emprendimiento en Ecuador. UDA Akadem, pág: 110-141 (2022)
Los videojuegos serios como alternativa al aprendizaje de emprendimiento: una revisión sistemática, Zaragoza. (2022).
Metodologías ágiles aplicadas en el desarrollo de video juegos serios: un mapeo sistemático, Zaragoza. (2022).
TAM Applied for Serious Video Games: A Systematic Literature Review. IEOM Society International, pág: 1613-1625 (2022)
Link: https://doi.org/10.46254/IN02.20220446
Servuction Procedures for Waste Collection Management through the use of Information Technologies and the Design Thinking methodology, Bangalore, India. (2021).
ERP System inventories module implementation Procedure, Bangalore, India. (2021).
Identification and Management of Quality Costs in Companies, Bangalore, India. (2021).
Identification and Management of Quality Costs in Companies. Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, pág: 20 (2021)
Link: https://www.ieomsociety.org/proceedings/2021india/94.pdf
ERP System inventories module implementation Procedure. Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, pág: 8 (2021)
Link: https://www.ieomsociety.org/proceedings/2021india/83.pdf
Procedure for the Implementation of the Manufacturing Module of an ERP System in MSME. Applied Case: Textile “Tendencias” Enterprise, UDA ERP. Springer, pág: 392-397 (2020)
Link: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-39512-4_61
Ensuring the sustainability of inclusive projects through Strategic Addressing and Process Management. Applied case to Aquamarinna handmade soap. Springer, pág: 889-895 (2020)
Link: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-39512-4_136
Vulnerability analysis with sqlmap applied to APEX5 context. Ingenius. Revista de Ciencia y Tecnología, pág: 104-113 (2020)
Link: https://doi.org/10.17163/ings.n25.2021.10
Contribution of Open Source Software to the Management of Inclusive Entrepreneurships, San Diego California. (2020).
Application of an ABC costing model to an MSME company in the manufacturing sector into the UDA ERP administrative system, San Diego California. (2020).
Alternative and augmentative communication system focused on children with autism spectrum disorder, Quito. (2020).
Cookie Vulnerability Analysis at Apex 5, Quito. (2020).
Videogames as a proposal for learning in entrepreneurship: A systematic review, Quito. (2020).
Proposal to Implement QR Codes for the Company Metal Print, Quito. (2020).
Análisis de Vulnerabilidades con SQLMAP aplicada a entornos APEX 5, Guayaquil. (2020).
Cookie Vulnerability Analysis at Apex 5. Proceedings - 2020 International Conference of Digital Transformation and Innovation Technology,, pág: 5 (2020)
Link: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9516663
On the Use of Non-technical Requirements for the Evaluation of FOSS Software Components (2019)
UDA-ERP: Theory, Development and Conflicts. Springer, pág: 45-57 (2019)
Link: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-20154-8_5
Selecting the Business Information Security Officer with ECU@Risk and the Critical Role Mode. Springer, pág: 368-377 (2019)
Link: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-20154-8_34
Acometer contra un ERP con Software Libre. Enfoque UTE vol.9 no.1 Quito ene./mar. 2018, pág: 138 - 148 (2018)
Link: https://doi.org/10.29019/enfoqueute.v9n1
Al Merkadito: Integrando emprendedores en un sitio virtual. Memorias del XIV Foro del Emprendedor, pág: 2-19 (2018)
UDA - ERP: Emprendimiento y Gestión de recursos empresariales. La llave para la vinculación empresarial. Memorias del XIV foro del emprendedor, pág: 92-106 (2018)
SIGAP: Sistema Informático para la gestión de Agua Potable. Memorias del XIV foro del emprendedor, pág: 141-165 (2018)
Systematic Literature Review: Success, Failure, Risks, Benefits and Barriers Factors in the Adoption of Open Source Software. IEEE Xplore, pág: 328-336 (2018)
Link: https://doi.org/10.1109/INCISCOS.2018.00054
An Open Source Synchronous and Asynchronous Approach for Database Replication. Springer Link, pág: 45-56 (2018)
Link: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-02828-2_4
Testing the Information Risk Level with ECU@ Risk. IEEE Xplore, pág: 343-350 (2018)
Link: https://doi.org/10.1109/INCISCOS.2018.00056
Ecu@Risk, Una metodología para la gestión de Riesgos aplicada a las MPYMEs. Enfoque UTE, pág: 107-121 (2017)
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29019/enfoqueute.v8n1.140
Undertaking an ERP: Evaluating the security of Apex5 developed software. IEEExpore, pág: 174-180 (2017)
Link: http://doi.ieeecomputersociety.org/10.1109/INCISCOS.2017.24
ECU@RISK, Una metodología para la gestión del riesgo aplicada a las MPYMES del Ecuador. Inciscos 2016 Proceedings Book, pág: 69-76 (2016)
Link: http://fcii.ute.edu.ec/inciscos/2016/index.php/en/proceedings