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La Universidad del Azuay, en su compromiso con la internacionalización y la excelencia académica, impulsa la Iniciativa de Redes Internacionales de Investigación (IReNe). Esta plataforma facilita la colaboración científica global y presenta los perfiles de investigadores, fortaleciendo la difusión del conocimiento y promoviendo sinergias en proyectos de alto impacto a nivel internacional.

About us

About us

Connecting minds across the globe

With internationalization as one of our team priorities, the International Research Networks Initiative-IReNe plans to expand our research efforts through dynamic partnerships with individuals and institutions around the world.

Launched in December 2017, IReNe focuses on connecting international scholars to work together on innovative research topics. The diverse cultural backgrounds, intellectual approaches and experiences of the members of these groups will set forth promising research initiatives that transcend national boundaries.

What we do

Among the variety of functions IReNe provides, our roles include

  • Guidance in the formulation and execution of research projects with international partners.
  • Contacting researchers, universities and international institutions.
  • Promotion of international agreements already established, as well as the creation of new agreements
About us


Norma Reyes
Diego Vanegas
Antonio Crespo
Jose Fajardo
Gabriela Duque
Maria Moscoso
Jose Beltran
Cesar Delgado
Julia Avecillas
Pedro Samaniego
Diego Suarez
Raffaella Ansaloni
Juan Cordova
Eulalia Tapia
Anna Tripaldi
Freddy Galvez
Mario Brazzero
Rosa Palacios

Contact Us

Viviana Guamán
Viviana Guamán

IReNe - International Research Networks
Lorena Orellana
Lorena Orellana

IReNe - International Research Networks
Tatiana Pupiales
Tatiana Pupiales

IReNe - International Research Networks
Carla Salgado
Carla Salgado

IReNe - International Research Networks
